Friday, October 19, 2012


Androgynyous is a condition when a man loves to be dressed and appeared as woman, but he still love to keep his masculinism behaviour so that he would be more look as a tomboy rather than a shemale.
This condition also affects to his sexual orientation, this kind of men wouldn't be happy to be a homosexual men, but also this person wouldn't be confidence to flirt 'another' girl because of their women perform.
A lot of Androgygyous men prefer to be asexual, not orientated, genderles, etc.

This is the stressful condition Fiona felt, this lead him to a man in dress.
yes that she's pretty, but he also a narcism men who love to be looks perfect forhimself, not to charms others.

Demon Bride

Keiko the Cursed Geisha

Her name is Keiko, and she's a geisha -japanese female artist.
But she isn't even JUST a geisha,
she met Baphomet,
she's cursed,
she's the Illuminaty Geisha,

She loves to appeared wearing the satanic signs as her performances, she's even made her performance out of the geisha main concept.
Keiko loves to put secrets behind her makeup. The large upside down triangle on her forehead is the most easy to recognized as a satanic symbol, but her triangle is has the same purpose. And the checkboard thing on her neck is kinda media to communicate with the satanic 'gods'.

The curse of Baphomet appearedonly at night right before she's ready to go bed: The lower fangs out of her lips.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Appearance of Phantom Goddess

Badb, Macha, Anand are known as three goddess sisters, they are all had their own ability that is a weakness of others, they could never be separated, but one day Anand and Badb was dead in a myth war. Macha wishes to let them keep alive, so they are still the same strong, but their body are be resurrected, and only Badb had the resurrection skill.
Macha had a skill to let their souls out of their bodies and 'eats' them so she did it. A light explosion in the whole world happened, including other world such as Valhala, Midgard and Niflheim.
A new form of goddess was built, the mixture of the all three aura colours are mixed and replaced with black, then this new Black Goddess reborn. She's the one we called as Morrigan.
Morrigan, the goddess of irish mythology, also known as the Crow Goddess, battle goddess, dark queen, phantom queen and as a new form of the three dead goddess.
This photo is showing the appearance of the goddess in the crow form, she's never the complete black due to the aura of.the other sisters. She's even seen to be talk alone. This is actually the conversasion of the sisters.

Fée Emprisonnés

One day, Harpy is around the savannah enjoy her new hair and dress she just got right before she's in the savannah.
She's happy,
She's proud,
She's beautiful,
She's fool!!
It's not a plyaing ground for the skythings like her, humans' traps are exist around the ground, behind those beautiful tasty grass.
She's caught,
She's trapped,
She's prisoned,
She's fool!!
However she tries to escape, this just make her get more trapped. The trap is getting smaller and smaller, it is getting tighter and let her unable to breath. This lead her to the death, she's fool!!
"No I'm not fool!!" She said. Then she increases her size into human size makes the trapcage broke up, bring her free.
She ain't fool, she ran away, she promises to never come back...

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Glitter Insane: Frozen Lady

Easily recognized as a part of the glitter insane campaign by the intensity of glitter she put on the makeup.
This is the most insane of the insane campaign.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Another bitch of Uncle Lu

Baphomet Jr.

This is the next story of Merry the Bitch of Bible. Here told that Merry was dreamed, she saw a two-legged goat with human chest and arms. Upside down star symbol inside a circle is exist on the goat's forehead. She could easily know who is this: Baphomet.

He promises her to get every single things she wants, with only one term: Being his Illuminaty Puppet.
That means that Merry should be an arm of satan, recruit people to be in their side, increase the number of astrayed people, and all the wicked things.

She agreed the Baphomet's order, and she made herself dressed up looks like Baphomet: Horned.
She has also made some satanic signs:
Red-Dominated costume: So devil;
Bang-covered right eye: it has told in the bible that a son called the Dajjal (The Fake Christ) had only one eye, the left one. This is also very wellknown as satanic sign;
Left eye makeup is the symbol of Dajjal's eye.

But still, she made a secret of this all appearance: Her right eye makeup (The one that is covered) shows somewhat like tears. this means a rebellion.
whatever she got from satan, are never anything good.
All the happiness, richness, popularity, beauty, inteligence are Fake.

Mixwellicious Diva - Rihanna

Here Freea was joined a Drag Queen Contest in a night club called Mixwell.
The contest was about to made a stage performance as close as possible to the real artist. in this case: Rihanna. The picture is showing the all contestant, and Freea is the one with crown on her head.
We are all men in dress. We are drag performers, some of us were beginner, and some other are pro.
It's only the one in the most-left and most-right are beginner, and this contest is about to find a new Rihanna diva. once more: NEW!! so that they are the winner even they are even the worst performers. Well it's seems like it's not fair, but this competition isn't for us the pro. So they are the only two who should be the winner however their performances are.

The pro drag queen:
(left to right) Carry, Freea, Kimura, Agnes, Shierra.
The beginner we had never meet them anymore, and no one knew their names.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Historical Day

I could perfectly remember the time I did my first photo session of my own. It was December 7, 2011.
The location is somewhere in Sanur area.
It is perfectly exclusived to me: a plan of 3 concepts for me. Well it just the plan because we didn't even made it 3. Lol
It is surprisingly we took 6 concepts that take full 10 hours of photo shoots by at least six main Photographers and some more who are just come and gone.
Mia Stelina is the one who brought me to this matter. A huge thanks for her that this was a big impact for my modeling world.
I didn't made any photo sessions in the next couple months, but soon back to this activity on March and continued rapidly untill now.
When this post was written, I had currently made 31 different faces of me that I dreamed to made 100 in the first portfolio album. I gotta make it 10 albums of different themes and concepts so I made 1000 guiliver faces plus one my real face.
Hope this could be done as what I dreamed, and big thanks to one of my friend who supports me doing this by keep taking pictures of me, offers me the concepts, and keep supports me in this project.
He is Chandra Bisama, the Author of the Black Cat image editor (
Thank you my friend!!
Hope we could be together forever!!
And also for some other who supports me, I say thanks to y'all.
I couldnt made the complete credits to tell each of you but I'm sure y'all know that you are one of this thanks list.
P.S. also one very special thx n tribute for the very special friends for always helps directing some concept that I cant really direct it: Anye, Ranu I love you both!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Transgendered Queen by Freea Fairy

Queen is associated with a 'powerful' woman who leads a country or kingdom.
But here, Freea created another story an difinition of the Queen word.

Queen is someone powerful, strong by physical and mental, unique, famous, all in their own style but there's a main rule lining the style: they must to do it all in beautiful way but don't have to be a woman.

A man, or transgendered life with the same characteristics could also be a Queen.

So here Freea being a queen with his own beauty.

He's a transgendered queen.


Baphomet is wellknown as the sabatic goat of the satanic church and religion. He is a goat with half of him is human body, only the head and hind legs are goat's.
He is also oftenly illustratd to had a pair of crow's black wings.
The pentagram symbol does exist on his forehead, between the twisted horns.
In some other illustrations, explained to be simply a goat which stands upon its two hind legs with a huge sickle as its weapon.
This goat is also being the symbol of every two opposite things: he's male but also female, he's gay and lesbian, symbol of day and night, dark and light, human and animal, sadness and happines, bad and good, poor and rich, GOD AND DEVIL.
He is somewhat like 'prophet' of evil, the crew of the Devil, the dawn star, the king of satan: LUCIFER.
Upside down star symbol and the hand with the '\m/' shape reflects him.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Merry the Bitch of Bible

It's not magdalene, and it's not the holy book.
This first words should makeup your mind for this concept.
Merry is just Merry and Bible is the name of a town. That's it!!
This concept would be continued to one next concept that would be posted soon.

Male Bitch

The word Bitch,
Which is actually means female dog, is recently used to call the women who have sex with everyone wants her to.
And how a man also called a bitch?
It is very easy to know that word 'male' and 'bitch' had totally different meaning.
This guy not just a guy,
He's a prostitute guy.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Fancy Medusa

Also known as Gorgon's Head, she is a women who is famous with her terrific snake hair and stoning effect of seeing right to her eyes or her snake-hairs eyes.She is a great horror of Europe at the middle ages. It is believed that a rooster is a dangerous enemy for her, blind effect is weakened all of her power, then the people believe that carrying a rooster wherever they go would save her to this monster lady.

But this, is not a middle-age. So the medusa no longer a terrific lady for the people, and even the medusa herself has take her stoning ability off.
She is now a kind of fashion lady, she change her snake-hair from all venomous snakes such as the coral snake into somewhat 'Fancy' snake used to be kept as pet with the people: Green Tree Python (chondropython viridis a.k.a morelia viridis), and not just a common GTPs, she puts the blue morph on her head. Blue chondro, how is it used to be called, is somewhat high class morph of this snake.
It's not all she did to make her a high fashion lady, similar shades of lipstick and iris are also exist.
Editing by Freea, Photograph by Black Cat Image Editor (

Art of Murder

Definition of art is to make something beautiful.
or at least interesting or entertaining.

but how could art and murder combined?
murder could never be something entertaining nor interesting.
but for the murderer, probably yes! especially for them who has phsycology problem.

Now in this case a man called himself the Spilotter did.
He made a problem to his victim to let her kill him. But with his self-resurrection skill, he wake himself up of his death and make a revenge, then proudly tell the world the chronology of the Art of Murder.

Photograph by


Edited by Freea, Photograph by
Astredemme is a combination word of astray (english) and Deme (latin) that means lady. Astredemme is means the astrayed lady.

Her name is Lanade, a common lady of Europe, and stay common until a misterious man who called himself uncle Lu come to her life. She's currently 483 years old, but looks like 20.
that's not all the weird thing happened to her, she gains richness magically, increase beauty misteriously, and become very famous quickly.
Since her face never get older with her aging , she should never stay long in one place. 10 years is the most.
and to hides her identity she changed her name to LANA.
She has also make signs of astray to her appearance:
Horns = Baphomet = Satanic;
Eye on her right palm = The Dajjal's Eye = satanic;
Her hand is also symbol of Baphomet = satanic;
The hands with eyes cover her real eyes = Her sight (and the whole life) controlled by something else (satan)

And who is that misterious man so he could change a woman's life??
Lu = Lucifer = King of Satan.
so that this concept called the Astredeme: Astrayed Woman.

Edited by Freea, Photograph by

The Mother of Snakes

Edited by Freea, Photograph by
Here Freea the Lady Snake has increased her skill then by the gods of Olympus were assigned as a part of the goddess of Olympus. But her arogancy turns her from goddess into a demon. Her Totem -snake- became her image so she iw now a Snake Demon called Hannah.
The name Hannah its self was given by Poseidon from the latin name of the king cobra: Ophiopagus Hannah

Freea's Daily life: HER

Being a big fan of Rihanna, Freea made her daily style as transgendered life just like Rihanna: hair, make up, skin colour, even the way she laughs, speak, dresscodes, anything!! She’s the copycatbitch of Rihanna

Photograph &, Edited by Freea

The Ringleader

Edited by Freea, Photograph by
The recent concept that is Inspired by Britney Spears in her music video Circus, Freea created concept: The Ringleader

The Snake Lady

Edited by Freea, Photograph by Spilotter

Reptiles are Freea’s favourite in animal kingdom’s family both as wild or captived animals, especially the snakes. Yes, EVERY KINDS OF THEM including the VENOMOUS ONES but only the ones with no venom would love her. Lol!!
NEVERMIND!! Freea wouldn’t take any risks of interact to the first ones.
Here Freea is showing her closeness to one of them. The snake that is work as her partner is Succa, latin word for devil. Why must devil?
He (Succa) is an extremely agressive species of pythonidae (pythons) family called Leiopython Hoserae. This is an uncommon species to be kept as pet because of their rare availability in world market (the only gold species are common in market, but still they are rarely seen), yet to the myth of their bad habit.
Being a non venomous species, this species had such very strong muscles used for constrict (warp) the prey item to the death by suffocation.
But Succa is a very kind animal that is loveable and cuddleable. And I swear I’ve heard something about them claimed as the best python to be handled, best iredescent displayed on skin, and the most number of blade teeth that are hurts, painful and bloodful if bitten.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

This is what I really am

One of Freea's daily appearance as a man.
These super short blonde hair was inspired by one of Beyonce's female dancer: Saidah Nairobi Fishenden.

photograph by Akbar Muhammad 

Jasmine: The Matchless Pearl

Based on pirates style, Jasmine is also a middle eastern traveler gypsy.
Being very selective of choosing man and a bad memory with man, Jasmine happily life alone for last couple years with no man with her.
Then by her extreme beauty and perfect body, the villagers called her as the pearl of the island. She's special not for her physics, she's also very kind of woman. So that this lady called as the Matchless Pearl due to her difficulty of finding a right man for her. Almost matchless!!

Edited by Freea, Photograph by spilotter

Edited by Freea, Photograph by


This, is a tribute for a friend of mine that I recently used her name for this session: Ratna Anjani.
We used to share many things: fashion, our life, work, tricks for this and that, anything!!
We're just like sisters.
Then in this session I happily wear her florist dress, and make her hairstyle: long black hair. Then the shirt that is worn in sabrina: very her!!
And even she has also made the same picture in similar layout.